Audax are thrilled to announce that they are now accredited by Zero Hours Justice as a No Zero Hours Gold Employer. Previously a standard member, the progression into a gold standard member is a real achievement to Audax, highlighting their commitment to supporting each and every person in the team.
During the cost of living crisis, having a reliable income is more important than ever before. Zero hour contracts take away this security from the employee, denying them guaranteed hours and a guaranteed wage. On top of this, employers can cancel or move work shifts with minimal warning, leaving employers on the back foot.
At Audax, employees are highly valued. That’s why, as of 1st September 2022, they achieved this new gold standard accreditation. This accreditation highlights their commitment to fairer hours and working contracts by refusing to use zero hour contracts, guaranteeing their employees the hours they’re contracted to work. Plus benefits such as sickness, holiday, and other allowances.
To be eligible for the No Zero Hours Gold Employer Accreditation, Zero Hours Justice ask that companies:
- Don’t and won’t employ anyone directly on a zero hours contract
- Don’t and won’t employ anyone indirectly on a zero hours contract via any third party contractor or agency. This applies to third parties that provide workers (for example temporary staff, cleaners etc.)
Audax are proud to not employ anyone directly or indirectly on a zero hour contract. They do what they can in support of employment in the UK, including also adopting the Good Business Charter many years ago.
Speaking about this new accreditation, Audax Owner and Managing Director, Adam Liardet, said:
“We’re delighted to be gold standard members with Zero Hours Justice. Ensuring the health and happiness of our team is a top priority for us at Audax and something we work hard to achieve. Zero hour contacts can cause havoc on lives, and at a time where a consistent income is crucial to families across the country, we’re committed to never signing zero hour contacts.”
Applying for accreditation is easy and something Audax would highly recommend. Find out more here:
About Audax®
Audax have been the worldwide Pioneers in Body Worn Video (BWV) technology since 2005. We are approved Members of Made in Britain as we design, develop, and perform all final assembly, testing and quality control functions for our products at our Plymouth Headquarters. Silver members of BAPCO (for all professionals using or developing Public Safety technology); The Guild of Security Industry Professionals and accredited to the Good Business Charter; the Audax team is predominantly composed of service veterans and are proud to have the Gold Award of the Armed Forces Covenant.
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Audax®, BioAX® and Bio-AX® are registered trademarks of Audax Global Solutions Ltd and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2022 Audax. All rights reserved.
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